Axis Syllabusⓒ masterclasses with Frey Faust 3-5 Apr 2025

Embodied Into The Day - Positive training support for the moving artist Offering inspiring and clever movement ideas, Frey Faust sends you into your work-day feeling alive and energised. Frey’s technical resource is The Axis Syllabus©️, a user’s manual for the human body, a wealth of useful tips and tricks to stay healthy while [...]

D I V E R S E presents PONT INVISIBLE by Modestine Ekete reporté au 10 May 2025

D I V E R S E  The launch of D I V E R S E marks a new direction for VEDANZA Artists International. D I V E R S E is a program of performances at VEDANZA STUDIOS featuring a collection of pieces from the company's repertoire, new works produced or [...]

D I V E R S E opens with ELASTIC_EMPATHIC by Frey Faust and Francesca Pedullà 17 Mar 2024

photo © Adriano Barranco D I V E R S E  The launch of D I V E R S E marks a new direction for VEDANZA Artists International. D I V E R S E is a program of performances at VEDANZA STUDIOS featuring a collection of pieces from the company's [...]


Une zone franche est un espace bien délimité, à l'intérieur duquel les contraintes réglementaires et fiscales régissant l'activité économique sont allégées et parfois même éliminées. Ici « Zone-franche » est une façon détournée d'évoquer un espace neutre favorisant l'émergence de nouveaux questionnements où sept artistes, revenant de différents parcours et pays, se réunissent [...]

Axis Syllabusⓒ in Luxembourg

The Axis Syllabusⓒ (AS) is a collection of information about the human body in motion drawn from somatic science, anatomy and physics. (re)discovering oneself in relation to… The research contributing to the Axis Syllabus explores relationships between movement and the poly-axial nature of the joints. At the heart of the AS are maps representing [...]

Mother, a solo by Emanuela Iacopini at Fundamental Monodrama Festival 29 May 2022

Photo © Bohumil Kostohryz Mother "Mother" is a dance piece directed and performed by Emanuela Iacopini to music by Rajivan Ayyappan. "Mother" is a tribute to creation, to the desire to create. The desire to create is the engine of everything. What is creation if not a transformation... Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, [...]


A monthly event Diversity of form and practice is what makes Live Room Series so interesting for audiences and artists alike. It includes performances and concerts where artists meet and play together spontaneously with liveness. Sculptors, poets, musicians, dancers, performers, or media artists form drawings or sketches experimenting with moments of encounter as the [...]

Lock-down outdoor version of Two to one in Apulia, Italy

An outdoor version of "two to one" performed by Emanuela Iacopini and Frey Faust on music by Rajivan Ayyappan at the UprisingUp festival/Axis Syllabus Italia in the beautiful small city of Cisternino in Apulia on the 26th Aug 2020 Two to One Duet extracted from “UNDO”, a contemporary tribute to the moving human [...]

In-house invited performances 2020

Robert Hall Robert Hall is an educator, visual artist and musician. Most recently, he has been performing percussion-based improvisations at Vedanza Studios, where he has enjoyed collaborating with dancers Gianfranco Celestino and his contact improvisation groups, Florence Augendre, Marco di Nardo and Rhiannon Fata Morgan. He has collaborated as a [...]

Indian Music live with Rajivan Ayyappan

Description  Indian Music live sessions with Rajivan Ayyappan create an imaginary live ambience through various ragas used in Northen and Southern Indian music (Hindustani and Carnatic Music) as well as through Indian soundscapes. Raagas or Ragams are essentially melodies used in traditional south Asian music for improvisation and composition. Indian soundscapes are compiled [...]