About rajivan Ayyappan

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So far rajivan Ayyappan has created 110 blog entries.

Rajivan Ayyappan’s monographic exhibition

This monographic exhibition is a transdisciplinary and retrospective collection of drawings and artworks by South-Indian artist and musician Rajivan Ayyappan. The exhibition presents works developed in Luxembourg from 2017-2025. Dates and timesOpening 14 March 6pm15-16 March 10am-8pmFinissage 17 March 10am-1pmPlaceVEDANZA STUDIOS, 18 rue Louvigny (1st floor), L-1946, Luxembourg city-centre.ContactVEDANZA Asbl  - info@vedanza.org - [...]

ACTIVE RELAXATION class with Emanuela Iacopini

Active Relaxation is a somatic class that aims at increasing peace of mind while integrating the body. We address coordination, elasticity, internal alignment (vs outer lines), strength and balance as complementary elements. Through the awareness of the breath the practice aims at bridging physical and mental relaxation. Following different lines of thought, the class [...]

Improvisation performance with Kevin Muhlen and Yuko Kominami

Musician in his off-time Kevin Muhlen likes to explore possibilities and potentials through collaborations. He is part of an on-off project called AFTL and unregularly performs live..Yuko Kominami is a dancer/choreographer whose work consists of experiments with movements in-between (movements of becoming) where intensities of individuals intersect..Yuko and Kevin have collaborated on various occasions and performed [...]

Workshop Danse africaine et Chants polyphoniques avec Modestine Ekete reporté au 11 May 2025

“La connexion intérieure à travers la danse et le chant” Danser ou chanter seul permet de plonger profondément dans la découverte de soi. Mais quand on danse / chante à plusieurs, la connexion s’opère et on peut atteindre le sommet de la montagne. Si le chant polyphonique d’Afrique est l’autre dimension musicale sans instruments où [...]

D I V E R S E presents PONT INVISIBLE by Modestine Ekete reporté au 10 May 2025

D I V E R S E  The launch of D I V E R S E marks a new direction for VEDANZA Artists International. D I V E R S E is a program of performances at VEDANZA STUDIOS featuring a collection of pieces from the company's repertoire, new works produced or [...]

Butoh Workshop by Yuko Kominami 7-8 Dec 2024

Workshop around Hijikata Tatsumi’s words “Sickened Dance Princess” by Yuko Kominami “I let my elder sister live in my body. When I am absorbed in creating a dance, she tears offdarkness within my body and devours it more than she needs; when she stands up in my body, Isit down automatically; when I fall, [...]

D I V E R S E opens with ELASTIC_EMPATHIC by Frey Faust and Francesca Pedullà 17 Mar 2024

photo © Adriano Barranco D I V E R S E  The launch of D I V E R S E marks a new direction for VEDANZA Artists International. D I V E R S E is a program of performances at VEDANZA STUDIOS featuring a collection of pieces from the company's [...]


Une zone franche est un espace bien délimité, à l'intérieur duquel les contraintes réglementaires et fiscales régissant l'activité économique sont allégées et parfois même éliminées. Ici « Zone-franche » est une façon détournée d'évoquer un espace neutre favorisant l'émergence de nouveaux questionnements où sept artistes, revenant de différents parcours et pays, se réunissent [...]

We Thought We Knew What We Were Doing goes to Dance Dance Dance festival in FARO on 16 Sep 2023

Photo © Bohumil Kodthoryz We Thought We Knew What We Were Doing was premiered at the Théâtre National de Luxembourg in Feb 2023 and will be presented in Portugal during the Dance Danc Dance festival at the Teatro Municipal de Faro on the 16th Sep 2023. The piece  is a testament to the way [...]

Fleeting Red

Photo © Rajivan Ayyappan 9 and 10 Sep 2023 16h @ Mudam Luxembourg Fleeting Red Performance by Emanuela Iacopini within the framework of the exhibition of Dayanita Singh “Dancing with my camera” at Mudam Luxembourg. Formally choosing red as a fleeting colour to move through Dyanita Singh’s images in Dancing with my Camera, choreographer Emanuela [...]

MOTHER premiere at Fundamental Monodrama Festival 18 Jun 2023

Photo © Rajivan Ayyappan Premiere: 18 Jun 2023 @ 19h at Fundamental Monodrama Festival – TICKETS Mother "Mother" is a dance piece conceived and performed by Emanuela Iacopini in collaboration with and to the music of Rajivan Ayyappan. "Mother" is a tribute to creation, to the desire to create. The desire to create is [...]