workshops, education,

Ballet Body Logic with Annemari Autere 19 Jun 2022

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: Ballet Body Logic master class with its founder Annemari Autere BalletBodyLogic, created by Annemari Autere, is an innovative approach to movement analysis. Her vision of the muscular system consisting of inside and outside muscles where technique is [...]

Interdisciplinary Art Workshops for children

Multiple artistic disciplines integrate to explore with the children fantastic journeys into their creativity and skill learning! Supervised by working artists the workshops are designed as a series of exciting multi-media sessions in either visual arts, sound art, and/or creative movement. The aim is to offer children a rewarding and challenging opportunity to [...]

Ballet Body Logic with Annemari Autere 10-11 and 13 Mar 2022

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: Ballet Body Logic master class with its founder Annemari Autere BalletBodyLogic, created by Annemari Autere, is an innovative approach to movement analysis. Her vision of the muscular system consisting of inside and outside muscles where technique is [...]

Sound & Music sessions for children

Description All music classes, including guitar, percussions (hand drumming), and electronic music are individual lessons 45min long. Days and times to be arranged with the teacher. Classes are delivered in English and address boys and girls from age 5+. Venue VEDANZA STUDIOS, 18 rue Louvigny, L-1946 Luxembourg-city centre. Price All music classes (guitar, [...]

Dance Science Net educational activities

Educational activities are aimed at Dance students of all levels from beginners to university students. The aim of this pedagogical program is to raise students awareness of their own body and mind systems and give them tools for injury prevention to safely develop into integrated dancers. Activities include modular workshop sessions in theory [...]

Sophrologie: L’atelier Bulle pour les enfants

L’atelier Bulle est une invitation à un voyage ludique, à la découverte de soi et du monde qui nous entoure. Virevoltant entre jeux, créativité artistique, musique, éveil corporel, relaxation, contes, l’enfant apprendra à percevoir la vie qui l’anime et l’entoure. Il confectionnera sa propre bulle de douceur et de calme, où il cultivera sa confiance [...]