ACTIVE RELAXATION class with Emanuela Iacopini

Active Relaxation is a somatic class that aims at increasing peace of mind while integrating the body. We address coordination, elasticity, internal alignment (vs outer lines), strength and balance as complementary elements. Through the awareness of the breath the practice aims at bridging physical and mental relaxation. Following different lines of thought, the class [...]

Workshop Danse africaine et Chants polyphoniques avec Modestine Ekete reporté au 11 May 2025

“La connexion intérieure à travers la danse et le chant” Danser ou chanter seul permet de plonger profondément dans la découverte de soi. Mais quand on danse / chante à plusieurs, la connexion s’opère et on peut atteindre le sommet de la montagne. Si le chant polyphonique d’Afrique est l’autre dimension musicale sans instruments où [...]

Butoh Workshop by Yuko Kominami 7-8 Dec 2024

Workshop around Hijikata Tatsumi’s words “Sickened Dance Princess” by Yuko Kominami “I let my elder sister live in my body. When I am absorbed in creating a dance, she tears offdarkness within my body and devours it more than she needs; when she stands up in my body, Isit down automatically; when I fall, [...]

Axis Syllabusⓒ in Luxembourg

The Axis Syllabusⓒ (AS) is a collection of information about the human body in motion drawn from somatic science, anatomy and physics. (re)discovering oneself in relation to… The research contributing to the Axis Syllabus explores relationships between movement and the poly-axial nature of the joints. At the heart of the AS are maps representing [...]

Jesùs Guiraldi / Movimiento Constante Workshop 25-26 Jun 2022

(c) Ezencia_audiovisual Beyond the Invisible Boundaries Movimiento Constante Workshop with Juan Jesùs Guiraldi The workshop explores the body universe from its physicality to its ability to sense and expand its possibilities beyond the conventional boundaries imposed by dance. Using different approaches to movement, combining gesture, it will be possible to explore and experiment new [...]

Danse africaine et Chants poliphoniques avec Modestine Ekete – 26 Jun 2022

“La connexion intérieure à travers la danse et le chant” Danser ou chanter seul permet de plonger profondément dans la découverte de soi. Mais quand on danse / chante à plusieurs, la connexion s’opère et on peut atteindre le sommet de la montagne. Si le chant polyphonique d’Afrique est l’autre dimension musicale sans instruments [...]

Ballet Body Logic with Annemari Autere 19 Jun 2022

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: Ballet Body Logic master class with its founder Annemari Autere BalletBodyLogic, created by Annemari Autere, is an innovative approach to movement analysis. Her vision of the muscular system consisting of inside and outside muscles where technique is [...]

Ballet Body Logic with Annemari Autere 10-11 and 13 Mar 2022

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: Ballet Body Logic master class with its founder Annemari Autere BalletBodyLogic, created by Annemari Autere, is an innovative approach to movement analysis. Her vision of the muscular system consisting of inside and outside muscles where technique is [...]

Axis Syllabus/CI intensive with Frey Faust on 28-31 Jan 2022

Axis Syllabus intensive with Frey Faust: Perma-CI, mutual resource management for improvised partnering Contact-Improvisation is a forum for playful interaction, where the union of intention invites the partners into relationship. Both can now begin to consider the choices and proposals and skills of the other as mutual resources, and each will find themselves lending [...]

TAKING BREATH Yoga class with Emanuela Iacopini

Taking Breath is a wholistic yoga class that aims at increasing peace of mind while regenerating the body. We address coordination, elasticity, internal alignment (vs outer lines), strength and balance as complementary elements. Through the awareness of the breath in both movement and meditation the practice aims at bridging physical and mental relaxation. Following [...]

Refresh your BalletBodyLogic with Annemari Autere 3-4 July 2021

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: BalletBodyLogic master class with its founder Annemari Autere BalletBodyLogic, created by Annemari Autere, is an innovative approach to movement analysis. Her vision of the muscular system consisting of inside and outside muscles where technique is taken care [...]

The Axis Syllabus in Application – Dancing together and apart – Frey Faust 21-22 Nov 2020

We are happy to announce the next workshop in the series of the Dance Science Net program: The Axis Syllabus in Application - dancing together and apart The Axis Syllabus is the instrument of a world wide effort to facilitate education and literacy in movement. Movement education/literacy is much the same as linguistic literacy. [...]