Emanuela Iacopini is a dancer and choreographer active within the international artistic and scientific communities revolving around movement and somatics. She works in live creations, performances, film, video and in educational settings. She graduated in dance and chemistry and was certified as a bodywork, Reiki and Yoga practitioner and more recently as an Axis Syllabusⓒ teacher. Continuing her post-graduate studies at Trinity Laban London she develops Dance Science oriented movement research, collaborates and performs with Florence Augendre, Annemari Autère, and Frey Faust. She created and leads the dance kinesiology course at the Conservatoire of Luxembourg city where she is also course leader in contemporary dance. She is founder of the Dance Science Net agency for the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of movement science with a focus on dance training and performance. She co-founded with Rajivan Ayyappan, VEDANZA – the company and it’s studios in Luxembourg – an artist-led space dedicated to the creation, training and performance of contemporary work. Her work is presented at international conferences, festivals and venues across Europe, the US and Asia. Her present focus is on the exploration of the connective tissue as a living matrix to re(de)fine training and performance.
Current courses led by Emanuela Iacopini
The Axis Syllabusⓒ at VEDANZA STUDIOS
Taking breath – online class recordings
Contemporary dance and Dance Kinesiology at the Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg
CONTACT: emanuela@vedanza.org