Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a form of Hatha Yoga with a set sequence that integrates breath, movement, and gaze within the asanas (poses). Through our focus on breath, asana, pranayama, and meditation, we learn to create space so that we can learn to move with more ease, grace, and stability, experiencing the effects of a mindful practise.
Ashtanga Led Classes
An Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series guided class, also known as Yoga Cikitsa. We learn to work carefully and intelligently in Sun Salutations, standing postures, postures of the Primary Series, and the finishing sequence. The class is designed for all levels, including beginners who have no or limited experience with Ashtanga Yoga. Classes will often include Pranayama and Meditation.
Assisted Self-Practise (Mysore) Ashtanga Classes
In this style of classes, students are instructed individually, given unique instructions on breath, posture and movement. Students practise side by side, in silence. These classes allow students to move with the rhythmic flow of their own breath, and so to immerse themselves more fully in the experience of breathing. All levels are welcome, though it is recommended that students attend the Ashtanga Led classes first.
Restorative classes
Restorative classes typically have only five or six poses that are supported by props. Poses are held for about five minutes or more, and allow one to completely relax and rest. Light Pranayama and Meditation are included in these classes.
Days and times
7h15 – 8h45 Ashtanga Led
18h30 – 19h30 Restorative classes
7h00 – 10h00 Ashtanga Mysore/Self-Practise Style
18h30 – 20h00 Ashtanga Led
7h15 – 8h45 Ashtanga Led
9h30 – 10h45 Restorative
7h00 – 10h00 Ashtanga Mysore/Self-Practise Style
7h15 – 8h45 Ashtanga Led
(Classes run from 23 Sep to 3 Dec 2019. there will be no class from 8 to 14 Oct 2019)
VEDANZA Studios, 18 Rue Louvigny, L-1946 Luxembourg-ville.
Contact and Registration:
For registration details and for more information about the class please please contact Sukrita Sundar at– Tel: