H1. Elisabeth Flunger and Stefan Scheib have been working together as a duo since 2007.
H2. Apart from other activities, such as a project with composed contemporary music, their main interest in duo work lies in the possibilities and strategies of free improvisation.
H3. An essential stimulus in this exploration comes from the difference of their musical styles and idioms. In Stefan Scheib’s double bass playing the influence of jazz and classical tradition
H4. can always be heard, while Elisabeth Flunger’s instruments – an apparently haphazard combination of loose metal objects – rather facilitate an experimental approach than recourse to traditional techniques and references. This antagonism results in their joint language covering a wide spectrum between melody
H5. and noise, cliché and abstraction, variety and reduction. They quote well-known elements, such as jazz phrases or drumming patterns, reinterpreting and deconstructing them in a new context. While improvising, they invent and establish their rules, only to overrule them again in the next moment. Their music is always in motion, ever shifting and fluctuating. The tunes on their CD “Passage“ are like snapshots, freeze-frames of the perpetual motion.
H6. and noise, cliché and abstraction, variety and reduction. They quote well-known elements, such as jazz phrases or drumming patterns, reinterpreting and deconstructing them in a new context. While improvising, they invent and establish their rules, only to overrule them again in the next moment. Their music is always in motion, ever shifting and fluctuating. The tunes on their CD “Passage“ are like snapshots, freeze-frames of the perpetual motion.
and noise, cliché and abstraction, variety and reduction. They quote well-known elements, such as jazz phrases or drumming patterns, reinterpreting and deconstructing them in a new context. While improvising, they invent and establish their rules, only to overrule them again in the next moment. Their music is always in motion, ever shifting and fluctuating. The tunes on their CD “Passage“ are like snapshots, freeze-frames of the perpetual motion.
Elisabeth Flunger is a percussionist, composer and performer and lives in Luxembourg. She works with classical orchestras and contemporary music ensembles as well as with improvising musicians and dancers, she gets involved in theatre and dance productions and she holds workshops on improvisation and composition for children, amateurs and professional musicians.
Elisabeth Flunger’s favourite instrument is a collection of trash metal objects, used in concerts, installations and performances. For these instrument she created a series of solo pieces and developed appropriate playing techniques, not using traditional percussion techniques, but rather working the objects by physical and spatial manipulation: pile up, crash down, arrange, put, move, push, throw, pull, swing, rock, shake …
Stefan Scheib lives in Saarbrücken (D) and works as a double bass and electric bass player in classical, contemporary and improvised music. As a composer he writes chamber music and
orchestral works, and he creates soundtracks for installations, radio plays and musical theater. He teaches double bass, electric bass and electronic music at the College of Music in Saarbrücken.
Together with Katharina Bihler he founded the "Liquid Penguin Ensemble", which produces radio plays, musical theater, audio installations and mutimedia performances and for its activities and radio plays received several awards (e.g., "Deutscher Hörspielpreis der ARD" 2008 for "Gras wachsen Hören"; ARD radio play of the year 2009 for "Bout du monde").