Mouvement Régénérateur Thérapeutique

Pratiquer le mouvement régénérateur thérapeutique (MRT), c’est remettre en mouvement les fonctions auto-réparatrices du corps et du psychisme. C’est laisser l’intelligence corporelle prendre soin de soi. Quitter le programme La pratique permet d’apaiser les hauts parleurs mentaux, de quitter le programme habituel et ainsi de laisser la place à de la nouveauté. Un [...]

Professional development opportunities

Professional Development opportunities include a  series of training, qualifications, and conferences for professionals working in and around dance. Drawing from dance medicine and science research, professional development programs aim at developing awareness of a safer dance practice. These programs are for dance related professionals including choreographers, company directors, dance teachers, managers, health-care professionals, movement therapists. [...]

Dance Science Net educational activities

Educational activities are aimed at Dance students of all levels from beginners to university students. The aim of this pedagogical program is to raise students awareness of their own body and mind systems and give them tools for injury prevention to safely develop into integrated dancers. Activities include modular workshop sessions in theory [...]

Yoga workshop with Peter Roussel, Sun 26th Feb 2017

Freestyle yoga practice event A combination of Hatha yoga practices to make you smile. Tea and lunch breaks make meeting each other easier. Long hours mean we can go slow and cover plenty of details and corrections. All levels. Description There will be relaxation postures to prepare for some sitting meditation. Pranayama practice with detailed instructions [...]

Indian music studies: Raagas and Improvisation

dian music Description of the workshop Raagas or Ragams are essentially a tonal frame-work used in traditional south Asian music for improvisation and composition. The workshop will introduce and explore two dominant raga systems used in Northen and Southern Indian music (Hindustani music and Carnatic Music). There will be 6 sessions [...]

Sophrologie: L’atelier Bulle pour les enfants

L’atelier Bulle est une invitation à un voyage ludique, à la découverte de soi et du monde qui nous entoure. Virevoltant entre jeux, créativité artistique, musique, éveil corporel, relaxation, contes, l’enfant apprendra à percevoir la vie qui l’anime et l’entoure. Il confectionnera sa propre bulle de douceur et de calme, où il cultivera sa confiance [...]

Emanuela Iacopini

Hatha Yoga –with Emanuela Iacopini Mon 18h30-20h & Wed 12h15-13h30 This Hatha Yoga class flows through a series of postures integrating breath, strength, and flexibility bringing physical and mental relaxation. It includes asanas, basic principles of pranayama and meditation and is delivered from a scientific and somatic perspective through the exploration of human kinetics and the subtle body. It results [...]