The Spine Workshop Series
Axis Syllabus©, Movement and Massage
10 Mar 2024 /10h-16h
21 Jan 2024 /10h-16h
10h-13h Axis Syllabus©
Emanuela Iacopini
The Spine being the central part of the axial body, we could think of it as an orchestra director of most ordinary movements. Could releasing the inherent movement of the Spine infer a sense of integration, freedom, and ease in the whole body? This workshop is drawn from the Axis Syllabus© archive and will address in particular the potentials and limitations of the vertebral column, looking at it’s anatomy and function from an objective as well as a somatic point of view. Specific movement patterns will be explored per-se, as well as in relationship to other body parts. Participants will be able to take home a useful toolkit as a manual for theoretical and practical spinal mechanics to apply to their favorite practice or simply in their daily life.
14h-16h Massage session
Dominika Masnica
During this session the focus will be on spinal mobility and releasing any restrictions around spinal column to facilitate free range of motion. Additionally we will be addressing individual issues presented. Massage treatments will be offered also prior to the movement workshop to allow the participants to fully arrive in their bodies and become aware of where they get ‘stuck’. During the workshops we will also go through some self-massage and stretching techniques that can be used for ongoing self management.
A workshop for everyone, dancers, yogis, sports, fitness and movement lovers of any walks of life and level. Exercices are progressive and participants can modulate their intensity of practice. It is not necessary to have joined a previous workshop of the series in order to join the next one.
Days and times:
Sun 10 Mar 2024
Sun 10 Dec 2023 Sun 21 Jan 2024
10h-13h – The Axis Syllabus(c) with Emanuela Iacopini
14h-16h – Massage with Dominika Masnica
N.B. Individual massage sessions are available with Dominika Masnica on the Fri, Sat and Mon surrounding the workshop date. Please get in touch by email to book a private massage session.
VEDANZA STUDIOS, 18 Rue Louvigny, L-1946 Luxembourg-ville
Workshop price 65€
Individual massage (60min) 95€ / (90min) 125€
IBAN: LU07 0023 1840 7202 8200

photo © Bohumil Kosthoryz
Emanuela Iacopini
Emanuela Iacopini is a dancer and choreographer active within the international artistic and scientific communities revolving around movement and somatics. She works in live creations, performances, film, video and in educational settings. She graduated in dance and chemistry and was certified as a bodywork, Reiki and Yoga practitioner and more recently as an Axis Syllabusⓒ teacher. Continuing her post-graduate studies at Trinity Laban London she develops Dance Science oriented movement research, collaborates and performs with Florence Augendre, Annemari Autère, and Frey Faust. She created and leads the dance kinesiology course at the Conservatoire of Luxembourg city where she is also course leader in contemporary dance. She is founder of the Dance Science Net agency for the dissemination of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of movement science with a focus on dance training and performance. She co-founded with Rajivan Ayyappan, VEDANZA – the company and it’s studios in Luxembourg – an artist-led space dedicated to the creation, training and performance of contemporary work. Her work is presented at international conferences, festivals and venues across Europe, the US and Asia. Her present focus is on the exploration of the connective tissue as a living matrix to re(de)fine training and performance.

Dominika Masnica
Founder of W3 Holistic/ Holistic Massage Therapist / Colonic Hydrotherapist/ Natural Health and Detox Consultant
I qualified as a massage therapist in 2006, and specialised in colonic hydrotherapy in 2009. Over the last 10 years I have been practicing at some of London’s most prestigious clinics and I opened my private practice in Acton in May 2014. My remedial treatments are a highly effective mixture of calming touch, deep pressure and postural realignment – releasing tension from deep layers of muscles and fascia, however doing so gently rather than forcefully, allowing the body to open up to progressively deeper work. I work along various axes of movement, correcting negative postural patterns, rather than working on specific muscles or joints in isolation- the main goal is to allow the movement to travel freely through the body. I also work with the meridian energy system, encouraging body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. All my treatments are tailor made to individual needs through an intuitive dialogue with the body, promoting deep relaxation, balancing the psyche, and delivering ultimate stress-relief.