Axis Syllabus intensive with Frey Faust: Perma-CI, mutual resource management for improvised partnering
Contact-Improvisation is a forum for playful interaction, where the union of intention invites the partners into relationship. Both can now begin to consider the choices and proposals and skills of the other as mutual resources, and each will find themselves lending these resources to each other, even handing over the key and sitting in the passenger seat. What qualities allow for this kind of trust? Let’s find out…
Days and times:
From Friday 28 to Monday 31 Jan 2022
28-30 Jan 2022, 10h-12h30 and 13h30-16h
31 Jan 2022, 9h30-12h00 and 13h-15h30
Frey Faust will perform with Emanuela Iacopini, Jérôme Fohrer and Rajivan Ayyappan in Form of a Motion/Two to one in the frame of the LIVE ROOM on Saturday the 29 January 2022, doors open at 19h, entry is 10/15€, booking required at
VEDANZA STUDIOS, 18 Rue Louvigny, L-1946 Luxembourg-ville
Full price: 320€ / one day only 100€
Concessions*: 230€ / one day only 75€
*for full time university students / ADEM jobseekers / independent artists
IBAN: LU07 0023 1840 7202 8200

(c) Yulia Grusha
Frey Faust
Born in 1960, Frey Faust began performing at the age of 8 with his family as a traveling troubadour. He is a second generation contact improviser and an alumnus of the 80´s New York dance scene. Some of his more important early influences came from: Shekhinah Mountainwater, Nita Little, Pavel Rouba, Rene Bazinet, and Janet Panetta. He has worked with and for a number of artists (order of appearance): Ohad Naharin, Donald Byrd, David Parsons, Gina Buntz, Howard Katz, Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Randy Warshaw, Bob Een, Stephen Petronio, Danny Ezralow… to name a few. He founded or co-founded three dance companies, and has created or co-created over 40 choreographic solo and group works. Following an independent study of anatomy, biomechanics, and physics, he has been able to build a pedagogical approach that has made him a sought after teacher, personal coach and technical counselor. After fifteen years of research, he consolidated his findings in a book, ‘The Axis Syllabus – human movement lexicon’, which he continues to edit with the help of the Axis Syllabus International Research Network. Founded in 2009, the ASIRN is a rapidly expanding group of experts from many related fields in the human movement and education sciences. Recently, his work on the AS has been focused into the construction of a symbol set with the potential to streamline movement documentation and analysis. He also makes shoes, speaks 4 languages, continues to create and perform dances.